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AL Design Journal

Do architecture students have free time?

Today we can discuss Do architecture students have free time? We are going to mention What architecture students do generally?, what are their schedules?, Do they have time for their hobbies? How they Cop-up their personal life with architecture.

Do architecture students have free time?
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But first, you have to go through the life of an architect. Which is too busy as you see it’s the busiest profession as compared to other professions.

Most people work 8 to 9 hours a day in an office,  but architect and architecture students who are pursuing the degree, have to work a lot as compared to others. Because it’s a professional degree which consists of lots of work from planning to the end of the project which is construction and once it gets complete and another project comes and triggers the life of an architect. 

Do architecture students have free time?
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Sometimes it has bad, and sometimes good outcomes. To know the life of an architect and their schedule we have to go to their daily routine.

Life of the Architecture Student 

There are four different kinds of Professional Studies are there which need a licence. They are chatter accountants, doctors, Architects, and lawyers. 

Do architecture students have free time?
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As an architect, in early life everyone has to go through the study is it is which is architecture. In this profession generally, architecture students have to work more than 6 to 7 hours whether they are at their home or in college.

In their working hours and days from waking up at 8:00 a.m. to getting to bed at night at 11:00 p.m. Life has become very hectic sometimes but sometimes there is some condition that generally architecture students don’t have work or they are on their vacation. 

So it’s happy hour for them. Moreover, it’s and mixed experience of stress and joy for Architecture students. 

Schedule of an architecture student’s 

Daily routine
Time Activity 
8 a.m. It is the time when architecture students wakeups and start their Day. 
9 a.m. As an architecture student, you should be physically fit because you have to work long hours. To work in a stressful conditions you have to be physically fit. So do some physical exercises and do yoga. A healthy mind is an inquisitive mind
10 a.m. At 10, an architecture student generally goes to college to gain the act academic knowledge. after spending almost 6 to 8 hours in the college or institution they gain knowledge of architecture skills when they will become professionals as architects.
12:00 p.m. to 1 pmArchitecture students must have lunch during this time. Because you have to spend the next 3 to 4 hours in college. Spending 3 to 4 more hours in college requires energy only a good powerful launch can fulfil it.
5 p.m. It is a time of fun, when Architecture student comes back from college,  they used to chill out and hang out because it’s a small time when they can relax. But the work of an architecture student is still not over. If you are an Architecture student, you should keep discussing topics and the discussion related to architecture with Fellow mates and friends who follows the same profession as you are following because it will keep your mind running towards architecture even if you are relaxing.
6 p.m. to 8 a.m.It is the main topic related to that timeline. The question is Do architecture students have free time? Yes, they have free time and that time is 6 to 8, Architecture students can follow their hobbies. whichever activity, or hobby they like most they can perform in this hour. Whether playing chess, Playing games, video games,   photography, music, or fine Art. 2 hours are enough to follow your hobby in your daily routine.
8 p.m. to 9 p.m. It’s an optimum time to have dinner. whether you have belongs to any other profession or studies. You should follow this timeline for dinner. Architecture students must follow this routine because it will help them to become regular in their Daily life 
9 p.m. to 11 p.m.To complete the homework, pending academic works brainstorming, reading, doing research and development work. It is the optimum time. After that go back to bed and sleep.
Do architecture students have free time?
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Note:- We will not suggest working late at night till 3 a.m. because working late at night will give you no such good result. Most of the architecture faculties, students, and professionals will guide you to work till late at night.

But don’t do it they all are wrong because waking up late at night and doing your work will lead you towards mistakes in your work which may not give you a good result. 

This is generally happened due to feeling sleepy but still, you don’t have a choice and your working. So there is a maximum number of chances that you will do many mistakes, Which will affect your academics.

So, how to avoid the late-night trauma of waking up and doing your work?

Simply try to finish your work in the daytime itself because it will help you to become regular in your academics and day-to-day life daily routine also. 

Do architecture students have free time?
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Don’t hold your work for late at night, Working late at night will also affect your mental and Physical health. It is not good.

What is the need of mentioning the daily routine in this article?

It is important of mentioning the daily routine in this article because to be on time and run with the whole world.  You have to be on time and that daily routine will help you to fulfil it.

Only successful people follow the daily routine, the rest world follows the successful people but don’t know how to do it.

Does Architecture student are satisfied with their studies and B.arch degrees? Are they happy with their decision?

Yes, they are satisfied with their decision of choosing architecture and pursuing an architecture degree. We are telling YES because there is behind that. 

It was their dream job that’s why they choose such work, most of the people who are now architecture students and professional architects had a keen interest in fine arts and other kinds of design work. 

As Architecture students, most of them know how to sketch and draw or but there are few people who don’t know how to sketch. But spending 3-5 years in architecture Academics, They become masters in sketching and design.

Do architecture students have free time?
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If you ask us whether they are happy or not, simply if they are happy most probably they are doing good in their academics.  But if they are not doing good in their academics so, they will find difficulty in Getting excellence.

Most of them have faults in choosing the right career,  in India, most people don’t know which career to pick. Even that parents who force their children to choose a particular profession they want not what their children want. This thing may lead to failure in getting excellence in architecture academics or any other streams and degrees, which is not good.

Do architecture students have to study and work long hours? 

Doing your work at the right time and correct daily routine will not let you face the trauma of long working hours as an architecture student. 

Do architecture students have free time?
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You have clarity of mind that what you want to do at a particular time and which task to pick first the priority of choosing the task is a must. 

Try to do the brainstorming your thought process which will help you to find alternative ideas to be regular in your daily day-to-day life. As you see the subjects and Academic Staff of architecture students you will find:-

  • Architectural design
  • Building construction and material
  • Graphics design
  • Structures
  • Seminar
  • Thesis
  • Training 

These are the basic subjects and practical periods which will give you a brief knowledge of the major subject which you have to focus on rest you can take as light because only the subject will help you in your professional life when you become an architect from architecture student. 

The most important thing is if you don’t like the first 3 or 4 subjects, Then we have sorry to say you that you should quit architecture. In your professional life, only this thing will help in your performance as Architect.

Do architecture students get time to pursue their hobbies?


We suggest you utilise this day,  as a hobby Day. Don’t prefer to do your homework and pending work on this day, utilize this day as a hobby day. Because most of the college have holidays on Saturday. If you same college policy, try this.

Do architecture students have free time?
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You can go to model sculpture workshops, and fine art workshops,  you can play games especially outdoors,  you can follow a passion for e-sports gaming,  you can go horse riding,  you can go swimming, and you can feel the experience while going camping.  


Use your Sunday for doing your pending work and homework.  But make sure that your Sunday will not get ruined because spending time with family is the most crucial thing.  

Do architecture students have free time?
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Spending time with others is a good thing but not with family is not a good thing.  try to give time towards your family.  make sure that only three to four hours are enough for doing your homework.  

Because during architecture academic time most students think that it contains too much time or it’s time-consuming but it isn’t. 

Nobody is asking to make a perfect design but fulfilling the criteria in a proper manner will give you a good result in your academics. Even your design and other faculty also want you to fulfil their basic needs not to go with perfection. 

Most of the people from the faculty side want that your work should be perfect but they are wrong because in academic time nobody’s work is perfect because most of the things you will get away with in your professional time when you will work on-site so it is not to be perfect as to become regular and fulfil all the criteria as given.

Is it true that studying architecture is stressful for architecture students?

As an architecture student if you find difficulties and stress in architecture academics,  most probably you are finding difficulty in gaining excellence in design and other architecture subjects then and either you are not working hard or there is a problem with your basic understanding that what architecture is! 

Do architecture students have free time?
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Most of the students who don’t have knowledge of sketching designing drawing and other architecture-related subjects find difficulty in gaining excellence. The main reason behind those people who choose architecture as their career,  Is not become to born an architect. 

We are not demoralising the one who doesn’t know how to sketch and draw or are even not as familiar with architecture subjects as they do and they can’t become architects,  but our intention is only aware that what architecture is and what is architecture degree! 

If you are not familiar with architecture courses and degrees and other skills don’t come here because maybe you have other skills try to focus on that and attend that knowledge from it. 

Because if a person who doesn’t know about architecture somehow gets a degree in architecture in future if he designs any structure without proper knowledge, and the building got collapsed, the damage will lead him or her towards failure and imprisonment and that person has to face legal issues. 


As a result, yes architecture students have free time to follow their hobbies. All they have to follow the daily routine as mentioned in this article just by following this thing as suggestions will let an architecture student towards success.  

Do architecture students have free time?
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Because to become a successful architect you have to follow the proper schedule as an architecture student in the beginning.

The architecture student who doesn’t follow the schedule have backlogs in their exams and at the end of the thesis which is 50 years of the academic year. 

That person is still giving his backlogs which may lead him or her towards failure. Even after passing out from his or her academic session, That person face problem in getting a job.

Now come to it that architecture students who is having a proper schedule and know how to and where to invest to you went to work. 

That person is working with a schedule following proper routine in his personal life is happy, passing with good marks, getting a good image in eyes of faculties, You will not get backlogs in your subjects,  that it had a bit of being on time everywhere will reward you to a proper job which is quite suitable for an architect to become successful in his or her life. 

Do architecture students have free time?
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As for the question, Do Architecture students have extra time or free time?  So, it’s about time Doing a particular task at a particular time will give you an extra hour to do your hobbies and other phone work even if you have time to do Hangouts with your friends and family members.

FAQ (Frequently asked question)

Why daily routine is crucial for architecture students?

Because the person who follows a daily routine becomes successful Very early as compared to others. As an architecture student, you must follow a daily routine.

Do architecture students have free time?
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The reason behind the failure in architecture students cant able submits their work during their academic sessions.

There are three reasons behind that:-

  • Not following a daily routine.
  • Try to give perfection over fulfilling the criteria in architecture studies.
  • Not getting proper sleep and doing late-night work will Let’s toward mistakes in architecture subjects.

What can architecture students do in their free time?

As we mention in the article, You can go to model sculpture workshops, and fine art workshops,  you can play games especially outdoors,  you can follow a passion for e-sports gaming,  you can go horse riding,  you can go swimming, and you can feel the experience while going camping.  

Hope you like our Article, Thank you.

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