AL Design Journal

AL Design Journal

Why architects don’t make much money in India, read interesting facts

Architects in India are facing a huge issue regarded on not getting enough money in India. Today we can discuss why architects don’t make money in India. Basically old Architects and senior Architects are well-established and well-known in society. But what about the new fresher Architects who just enter the construction market?  

Such newcomers don’t even know how to make money when they start their own startup or business. not even this even if they joined a big company or MNC in India this is because the company is not paying enough which make them satisfied with the job. 

Due to that, they have to switch to other jobs, if an architect does his or her degree in architecture spends 5 years in that course, still not getting their dream job. there are some reasons behind that which we are going to illustrate in front of you all. 

So, 5 reasons why architects don’t make money in India are:-

Not properly choosing a career at the beginning

In the beginning, after passing out from 12th standard or doing a diploma course police top most of the new 20 don’t even know which course to pick it happening in every stream and every sector. 

Why architects don't make money in India
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Somehow passing the NATA exam at the beginning they thought that they become Architects but in reality, the real picture is more widespread than they thought.

Students who don’t know which time to pick and somehow in this sector of architecture they enter without having any clue about architecture spend their 5 years. 

After passing out with an architecture degree and seeking a job or even doing their own startup as an opening form, they found many difficulties in getting jobs for getting clients for them. which creates a lot of chaos in the mind that why they are not getting the job or getting the clients. 

Not getting the job or getting client simply means they not earning. So, choose your career very carefully and ask your parents, even the professional who did that particular course in their academic session. 

Not taking seriously the academic session by an architect at the beginning of the session.

Most of the Architects who are are pass out over 2 years before and still are struggling to get a job are considered as unemployed generally this thing happened when they don’t take the architecture degree seriously. Most of you will complain that you are not right but the truth is bitter.

Why architects don't make money in India
Image Credit- Getty Image(Creative)

Only people will feel better about this thing because they are still unemployed and they don’t follow the same opinion as we are falling.

But my friend you don’t have any choice because what we are telling is not in our own voice, it is what most of the Architects and other professionals said in their previous interviews and talks. 

The one who is unemployed and getting the clients most probably will happen when their work, skill, and knowledge are not up to the mark.  The company will not hire you or not going to entertain you when you don’t have the proper knowledge of architecture as an architect.

Same the client will not come to you you have to go there and show them your presentational skills to attract them towards your design. 

The major fault of architectural institutions in India 

In India, we have lots of Pioneer architecture colleges such as IITs, CEPT, SPAs, BIT, NITs And other state government colleges full stop but there are very few in numbers.  Maybe they are offering a good education to the students but what about the private institution? 

Why architects don't make money in India
Image Credit- Getty Image(Creative)

Are they offering a good education to the students? In India, thousands of Students appear for NATA and JEE mains paper-2 exams for joining architecture colleges.  But only a few are lucky ones who got seats in those colleges. rest they have to  find good colleges here and there throughout India. At last most of the students have still not  got a good institution for their degree. the day a dropout that year or they have to compromise with  low-standard colleges.

Those low-standard colleges are mostly private Institutions. in this institution you will find if you check that there are many issues:-

  • Shortage of faculty
  • Faculties not having proper knowledge, this happened only when there are newcomers who are just done the master in architecture in particular steam but what they are offering the knowledge that only different because due to lack of experience in teaching.
  • Institutions not providing proper courses by deducting the subjects. Believe me, those subjects affect that fresher Architect, as he or she going to appear in the interview for Jobs. Even that thing also affects the new architect, who has a new startup and their client asked them to draw a drawing which is never being taught in their academic session.
  • New institution with no experienced faculty. even their institutions don’t know no how to run the architecture college just because they are new in this business most probably the architecture student have to face trauma in getting jobs in the future. 
  • If that institution not providing you with proper workshops and seminar sessions in your architecture college then almost 50% of practical knowledge  is not familiar to architecture students. this generally happens  in those  architecture colleges where it is not available.
  • Most of the colleges and institutions do not provide the proper reference for architecture students during their training sessions  after 6 months with is going to be conducted in their  fourth or fifth year.  proper training of architecture students in good firm or average form will give them a rough idea that how a professional practice can be practised.

Architects are not allowed how to do marketing for their business

If you see the architecture professional conduct Regulation 1989,  will get shocked when you will find that architects are not allowed to advertise their professional services or let their names be included in advertisements or publicity purposes.

Why architects don't make money in India
Image Credit- Getty Image(Creative)

But what about the engineers and diploma holders who are also in this market?  Engineer Association of India not having an issue if an engineer advertises their  business in the market. 

But the main issue related to advertising ads by architects,  without advertisement and architecture form of business, How can be run properly. because if nobody knows who you are then how come they will approach you for the drawings and designs? 

Even the local authority of the state who is passing the drawings of a structure they also allowed to do the marketing  whether you are a diploma holder or engineer. If they don’t have any problem regarding this issue,   why is COA( Council of Architecture)  having a problem with that?

In some Cases COA totally irresponsible. COA is not taking it seriously. What does it mean? It simply means that Architects are not meant for this job. The Council of Architecture is totally an Indian government body but what about its members? 

In most states, if you are an architect then you have to pay the fees of membership in the Municipal department just to get approval  for  Drawings.  if you don’t pay the fee they will not alive to do the practice in the region.

If you are an architect at the beginning when you join  the Council of Architecture you have to apply for registration number that registration number is enough to get approval for any drawing which is relevant to architecture.

If somebody asks you for a fee as a membership indirectly or directly simply they are asking for bribery which is illegal even the Government of India says the same. 

If Architect advertise that what will be the consequences of it?

Simple,  as architect if you advertise  publicly there are more chances that your registration number will be cancelled by Council of Architecture

Contribution of more non architect like engineers add diploma holders in architecture design services 

Why architects don't make money in India
image credit- the times of india

We hope that image which is enough to show the reasons Why architects don’t make money in India!!!

Thats the main reason!!! Just tell me, If you are having cancer in your body(hope it doesnt happened to you), where you will go for treatment? Doctor? or Pharmacist

 Just imagine a person who  get degree in MBA,  opens a a start a business in construction line. do you think it is possible that he have knowledge of how  design and construction management is initiated.  

Do you rely on such person who is having knowledge on how to design a structure and in future is that possible that his or her structure will sustain.

Even hiring architect and engineer and other professionals by this fellow, Maybe that guy will  Run his or her business in this sector.

That person is occupying an architect’S or any other professional’s position, the professional who studied the architectural design and engineering for over 4 to 5 years is working under that person who is not even qualified as technical  degree holder.  


At the last of this article, we want to tell you that there  five main reason why Architects  don’t make money in India.

Council of Architecture must think about it, instead of organising irrelevant seminars, talks, and programs during occasional days. Council of Architecture must Think about that how non-technical peoples, Municipal authorities,  and other government bodies are  playing with the architect  act.

There is need of legal action against them. If such thing going to happen again, again, again… Then that day is very close that there will be no architect in India. There will be a “N” numbers of reasons to switch From this Profession. 

If there will be no architect in the India,  then Council of Architecture  as institution will automatically get closed. from that day when it get closed the local authority will play their role in in making the laws may be that will be not relevant for Architectural construction and designing sector.

There are one more reasons “Why Architects don’t make money in India?” they are:-

Clients negotiate mostly which is irrelevant

When an architect design any clients house cost building,  there are maximum number of possibilities that client will ask for reducing their service charges. Again we are putting the example of doctors.  

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If doctor going to give you the consultation and he or she going to charge money, Would you going to ask for negotiation? NO, you know you can’t.  

That thing is same with Architects, don’t ask for negotiation in price when you are want a good design. believe me if you negotiate with price then your Architects intention will be not good towards your house design. 

It’s very state forward opinion by us. it may be bitter,  harsh truth but it is right. It’s a very tough task to give the time to your design for over more than 6 hour a day, and  Working whole month on your project with dedication and hard work. 

And at the end of the deal he or she is going to be paid very less then, there are maximum Chances that that particular architect is going to ruin your project.

You as a client will be very happy that you got negotiation in your charge for architecture services but after construction done and when you’re going to accommodate in that particular structure.

Then there are “N” number of reason to cause your architect.  and believe me you can’t do anything because  architect knows how to  to play with spaces, that thing will be  legit Legally,  but not familiar with human utilisation. 

Threatening clients, local body authorities, other institution is not our motto. Our only job is to show the transparency by  presenting current scenario of the  Architects. 

We are not telling this facts just by giving our own opinion. By searching and get content from trusted sites and news channels we are offering such kind of content to you. 

FAQ( frequently asked questions)

Are high paying architecture job hard to find in India?

Actually architecture job are most stressful time consuming and hard working  thing.  Getting a high scale salary in architecture job only happens when you got at least 5 to 7 years of experience in this field.

If you are fresher,  unlike with other degrees you have to work hard and in exchange you will not get that much Salary as your wish to and you have to struggle very hard  at the beginning but sustaining in this field for long you will  get maybe six figure salary.

Is it hard to work as architect in small town?

Yash in small towns generally people are not aware what is architecture and who is architect.  generally people of small town trust on local contractor and  builders for their work.

No wonder what qualification does he have,  client will always trust on such peoples.  because the local people are not aware of such  non technical peoples because just working with some professional people that person gained experience of over five years without technical degrees he is performing that practice all of this because he have some projects as example to showcase their client is getting the deal. 

Meanwhile Architects those who are technical ones always recommend good things to the client even that  they know that they are not going to be paid well by the client,  still never put their foot back to give the good design. 

We have as many architects in our personal life,  with their experience with declined most of them tell that even today after spending 20 years in that field most of the clients  not pay last 5 to 10% of payment  after complete action of the project. 

aWe are not complaining about client that all client are same but most of them are like that it’s A bitter truth but you have to  accept it. 

Hope you like cover article,  thank you.

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