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AL Design Journal

What Does a Residential Architect Really Do-Unlocking the Interesting Secrets 2023

In the realm of building design, there exists a captivating realm that is ready to be discovered. In this article, we are going to discuss “What Does a Residential Architect Really Do?” A one where dreams are realized and spaces are enlivened and the extraordinary is seamlessly integrated with the practical.

What Does a Residential Architect Really Do

At the centre of this fascinating realm is the mysterious figure of the architect for residential projects. In the depths of their work, we unravel the mysteries and find the real meaning that lies behind their work.

The world of residential architectural design with its enviable capacity to shape and create living spaces is absolutely fascinating. It goes beyond simple house construction and embodies the perfect blend of art and innovation and practicality.

An architect for residential projects is an innovator, one with a deep knowledge of human behaviour and transforms thoughts into real-world dwellings that excite and inspire.

Knowing the work that residential architects do is essential because it gives us the opportunity to see an environment in which every line, every curvature, and every material choice is designed with a purpose.

They are skilled professionals who know the complexities of building codes, engineering and spatial planning to design houses that reflect the individual desires and lifestyles of their residents.

Their experience ensures that our homes do not just provide shelter, but are also places of style, comfort, and sustainability.

In gaining insight into the work that a residential architect accomplishes, we embark on an adventure of discovery. We can develop a more profound understanding of the complex mechanism of transforming our concepts into actuality.

So let’s take a look at the fascinating realm of the residential architectural world, where imagination is unlimited, and where every corner is a potential place for exceptional design.

Unveiling the Basics of Residential Architecture

Unveiling the Basics of Residential Architecture: Defining residential architecture, exploring its Historical roots, and Tracing the Evolution of architectural styles, from ancient civilizations to modern Times.

Defining residential architecture

Architectural design for residential purposes can be described as the art and science of creating and building living spaces that meet the requirements and desires of people and families.


It involves an attentive consideration of aesthetics and practicality, combining the structural integrity of a home with the creation of functional, comfortable, and visually appealing houses.

Residential architects are experts who work with clients to discover their preferences, visions, and lifestyle requirements, making these dreams concrete architectural plans that provide not just shelter but spaces that encourage and nurture and reflect the individuality of the people who live there.

Historical Overview of residential architecture

The development of architecture for residential purposes is long and diverse, with a variety of styles and trends appearing throughout the centuries.

 residential architecture

The earliest evidence of residential architecture can be located in ancient India (Mohenjodaro and Harapan Civilization-3500BC) and Eygpt, where houses were typically constructed of stone or mudbrick.

In the Middle Ages, Indian Palaces and homes were constructed from Sandstones and wood, as well as thatch and rubble stones. In contrast, European homes were usually constructed from wood and thatch, during the time of the Renaissance there was the revival of classical styles.

The 19th century witnessed the emergence of novel materials and technologies, like cast iron and glass that led to the development of different styles of architecture for residential buildings, including the Victorian Gothic and Queen Anne.

Residential architecture underwent numerous advancements during the 20th century, with the emergence of novel designs such as the International Style and the Mid-century Modern.

Today there is a variety of residential styles to choose from including modern to traditional.

Evolution of residential architecture styles

The development of residential architecture styles is an extensive and complex process with different designs and trends emerging through the ages.


The first designs of a residential structure can be seen in the ancient cities of Egypt and Greece where houses were typically constructed out of mudbrick or stone.

In the Middle Ages, European homes were mostly constructed from wood and thatch, whereas during the period of the Renaissance, there was an emergence of classic styles.

The 19th century witnessed the emergence of novel materials and techniques, like cast iron and glass that led to the development of new styles of residential architecture, like the Victorian Gothic and Queen Anne.

The 20th century brought more innovations in residential architecture as new styles, including the International Style and the Mid-century Modern.

Today there is a variety of styles for residential architecture that range from traditional to modern. The development of styles for residential architecture is an extensive and complex process with various styles emerging and being discarded in the course of time.

The most well-known styles include:

Medieval Indian architecture is evidence of the imagination and talent of Indian architects and craftsmen. This is an immensely affluent and multifaceted civilization that still astounds and astonishes individuals globally.

Classical architecture is distinguished by its proportions, symmetry, and the use of columns and pediments. It was a popular style in the ancient times of Greece and Rome and is revived in various styles throughout history.

Gothic architecture is defined by pointed arches, ribbed vaults and stained glass windows. It was a favourite during the medieval period of Europe and is typically connected with cathedrals and other religious structures.

Renaissance architectural style is distinct by the rebirth of classic design and styles. It gained notable acknowledgement in Italy throughout the 14th and 15th eras and was spread to diverse areas of Europe during the 16th era.

Baroque architecture is distinguished by its use of striking forms, like scrolls, curves, and volutes. During the 17th and 18th centuries, it gained immense popularity in Europe and is frequently linked with imposing edifices such as palaces.

Neoclassical architecture is defined by the use of classical forms and styles but with a more slender method as compared to Renaissance architecture. During the 18th and 19th centuries, it gained popularity across Europe and is commonly linked with administrative frameworks and other public constructions.

Victorian architectural style is distinguished by its eclecticism, characterized by an array of different styles from various periods. The style was popular in England in the 19th century and is typically associated with elaborate, large homes.

Art Deco is distinguished through its use of geometric designs, stylized ornamentation and vibrant colours. It gained immense popularity in the 1920s and 1930s and is frequently linked with tall buildings and other contemporary edifices.

Modern architecture is defined by the emphasis placed on functionality over form and its use of innovative materials, like steel and glass. It has been in vogue since the commencement of the 1900s and is frequently linked with towering buildings and other sizable communal edifices.

What is the difference between an architect and a residential architect?

FeatureArchitectResidential Architect
Scope of workDesigns all types of buildings, from churches to museums to shopping centres.Designs single-family homes, townhouses, and apartments.
Target audienceLarge organizations, governments, and individuals.Homeowners, builders, and individuals.
Creative freedomLess creative freedom due to the need to meet building codes and safety regulations.More creative freedom to design a home that meets the client’s specific needs and wants.
CostMore expensive due to the complexity of the projects they work on.Less expensive due to the smaller scale of the projects they work on.

It is noteworthy that these are merely universal principles, and there could be some convergence between the two vocations.

For example, some architects may specialize in residential design, while some residential architects may have experience designing commercial buildings.

The most efficient method of selecting the right architect for your project is conducting interviews with a variety of candidates and selecting the one with experience as well as expertise and design that is in line with your needs.

Additionally, there are other aspects to consider when choosing an architect:

  1. Experience: Make sure that the architect you choose has experience in the design of the kind of building you’d like to build.
  2. Expertise: Make sure the architect you choose has expertise in the specific aspects of your project, such as energy efficiency or green building.
  3. Style: Make sure you like the architect’s style and that you feel comfortable working with them.
  4. Cost: Get quotes from several architects before making a decision.

What is the role of the architect in house construction?

What is the role of an architect in the building of homes? Architects play a crucial part in the construction of houses by conceiving practical and visually pleasing homes.


They perform an analysis of the site and feasibility studies.

They design elaborate architectural plans and blueprints, work with clients and other stakeholders, and oversee the construction process to ensure the project’s successful execution.

Designing functional and aesthetically pleasing homes

The function of the designer in residential buildings is to create dwellings that are not just practical but also visually attractive.

Architects possess the expertise to create spaces that maximize the efficient use of available areas while considering the specific needs and preferences of the homeowners.

They meticulously craft layouts that optimize the flow of natural light, promote optimal ventilation and facilitate a harmonious balance between different living areas.

By integrating their artistic sensibilities with technical knowledge, architects bring forth designs that seamlessly blend practicality with beauty, resulting in homes that are both highly functional and visually appealing.

Conducting site analysis and feasibility studies

Conducting site analysis and feasibility studies is another crucial aspect of an architect’s role in house construction. Before embarking on the design process, architects thoroughly evaluate the site where the house will be built.

They assess various factors such as topography, soil conditions, climate, and surrounding environment to gain a comprehensive understanding of the site’s characteristics and limitations.

Feasibility studies are conducted to determine the viability of the proposed design in relation to the site’s conditions, local regulations, and budgetary constraints.

This careful analysis ensures the design is specifically designed for the site, maximizing the utilization of resources and addressing any issues or opportunities that could arise during construction.

By conducting thorough site analysis and feasibility studies, architects lay the foundation for a successful and well-adapted house construction project.

Creating detailed architectural drawings and blueprints

Creating detailed architectural drawings and blueprints is a fundamental responsibility of architects in house construction.

These professionals utilize their expertise to translate conceptual designs into precise and comprehensive visual representations.

With a keen eye for detail, architects create scaled drawings that illustrate the layout dimensions, layout and specifications of different components of the home, including doors, windows, walls, and structural components.

These drawings are an essential communications tool for the architect, the client and other parties who are involved in the process of construction.

They provide a clear roadmap for builders, ensuring accurate implementation of the design and facilitating coordination among different trades.

By creating detailed architectural drawings and blueprints, architects transform ideas into tangible plans, guiding the construction process and enabling the realization of the envisioned home.

Collaborating with clients and stakeholders

Collaborating with clients and stakeholders is an integral part of an architect’s role in house construction. Architects engage in close communication and collaboration with clients to understand their vision, requirements, and preferences for their dream homes.

They actively listen to the client’s ideas and goals, offering professional guidance and expertise to translate them into practical design solutions.

Architects collaborate closely with diverse stakeholders engaged in the project, such as builders, technicians, and vendors, to guarantee seamless synchronization and incorporation of diverse components.

By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, architects create an environment where all parties can contribute their insights and expertise, leading to a design that aligns with the client’s aspirations while meeting technical requirements and regulatory standards.

This collaborative approach ultimately results in a successful and harmonious house construction project.

Managing construction and overseeing project execution

Managing construction and overseeing project execution are vital responsibilities of architects in house construction. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the design vision is accurately translated into reality.

Architects closely monitor the advancement of the building process, frequently visiting the location to inspect the standard of work, adherence to design specifications, and compliance with construction regulations and legislation.

They collaborate with contractors, subcontractors, and construction teams to address any issues that may arise, making timely decisions and modifications as needed. Architects also manage project timelines, budgets, and resources, ensuring efficient and effective project execution.

By overseeing construction, architects act as advocates for the clients, ensuring that their vision is faithfully implemented, resulting in a finished home that meets the desired standards of quality, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.

Work Process of Residential Architect

The work process of a residential architect involves a meticulous and collaborative approach to transforming clients’ dreams into tangible spaces.

From initial consultations and conceptualization to detailed design, construction oversight, and project completion, residential architects navigate every step with precision and creativity to create homes that inspire and delight.

Here is the Step process a Residential Architect follows:

1. The Art of Conceptualization and Design

Conceptualization and design are essential elements of the work of an architect for residential projects. It is the method of taking the requirements of the client and preferences and making them into an efficient and visually pleasing home.

Architects closely monitor the advancement of the building process, frequently visiting the location to inspect the standard of work, adherence to design specifications, and compliance with construction regulations and legislation.

This includes their requirements desires, needs, and budget. The architect will also need to know the lifestyle of the client and how they intend to use the house.

After the architect has developed a clear understanding of the needs of the client and wants, they can begin to translate these into concepts for architecture. This is done by creating ideas and drawing sketch plans and models. The architect should think about the client’s budget as well as the constraints of the site and the design of the surrounding homes.

After the architect has some ideas that they are satisfied with the architect will present the concepts to the client for their feedback. The client may offer suggestions for improvements or changes. The architect can then refine the ideas until the client is satisfied.

When the concept is approved the architect will then begin the process of designing. This includes the creation of detailed drawings and specifications. The architect will work alongside engineers and contractors to ensure that the house can be constructed in a safe manner and efficient.

The process of conceptualization and the design process is an essential aspects of the work of an architect for residential projects. It is the process of taking the requirements of the client and preferences and turning them into an efficient and aesthetic home.

Apart from the above, an architect should also take into consideration the following aspects when designing and designing a home for a homeowner:

  • Sustainability and green techniques: Many homeowners are currently looking to build greenhouses which are eco-friendly and green. The architect can assist the client in deciding how in incorporating sustainable design elements into the house including solar panels, rainwater harvesting and appliances that are energy efficient.
  • Technology and smart home features: Many homeowners are currently interested in integrating technological and smart home technology into their homes. The architect can assist the homeowner to select the appropriate technology for their requirements and incorporate it into their home in a manner that is practical and visually pleasing.

2. Navigating the Technical Aspects of Residential Architecture

Technical AspectDescription
Understanding building codes and regulationsResidential architects must be familiar with the building codes and regulations that apply to the area where they are working.

These codes and regulations are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the occupants of the building.
Applying structural engineering principlesResidential architects must also be familiar with structural engineering principles. This knowledge is essential for designing a home that is safe and structurally sound.
Selecting suitable materials and finishesResidential architects must select materials and finishes that are appropriate for the climate and the style of the home.

They must also consider the cost of the materials and finishes when making their selections.
Managing spatial planning and interior designResidential architects must manage spatial planning and interior design. This includes designing a home that is functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Addressing accessibility and universal design considerationsResidential architects must address accessibility and universal design considerations. This means designing a home that is accessible to people of all abilities.

3. The Collaborative Process: Working with Clients and Stakeholders

Collaborative ProcessDescription
Establishing effective communication channelsThe architect must establish effective communication channels with the client and other stakeholders.

This includes regular meetings, phone calls, and email correspondence.
Conducting client interviews and needs assessmentsThe architect must conduct interviews with the client to understand their needs and preferences.

The architect must also conduct a needs assessment to identify the client’s functional and aesthetic requirements.
Balancing client preferences with architectural expertiseThe architect must balance the client’s preferences with their own architectural expertise.

The architect must ensure that the design meets the client’s needs and wants, while also being aesthetically pleasing and functional.
Collaborating with engineers, contractors, and suppliersThe architect must collaborate with engineers, contractors, and suppliers to ensure that the design can be built safely and efficiently.

The architect must also ensure that the design meets the requirements of building codes and regulations.
Managing conflicts and addressing design changesThe architect must be able to manage conflicts and address design changes.

This is a normal part of the design process, and the architect must be able to work with the client and other stakeholders to resolve any issues.

4. Ensuring Quality and Compliance in Construction

Overseeing construction progress and quality controlThe architect must oversee construction progress and quality control. This includes regularly visiting the construction site and inspecting the work.

The architect must also ensure that the work is being done according to the plans and specifications.
Conducting regular site visits and inspectionsThe architect must conduct regular site visits and inspections to ensure that the work is being done according to the plans and specifications.

The architect must also identify any potential problems and take steps to correct them.
Resolving construction-related challengesThe architect must be able to resolve construction-related challenges. This includes dealing with delays, cost overruns, and disputes.
Adhering to safety standards and building codesThe architect must ensure that the construction site is safe and that the work is being done in accordance with all applicable safety standards and building codes.
Monitoring project timelines and budgetsThe architect must monitor project timelines and budgets to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

5. Bringing Dreams to Life: Successful Residential Architectural Projects

Showcasing exceptional residential architecture examplesResidential architecture can be used to showcase the creativity and ingenuity of architects.

Some examples of exceptional residential architecture include the Fallingwater House by Frank Lloyd Wright, the Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier, and the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe.
Highlighting innovative design solutionsResidential architecture can also be used to showcase innovative design solutions.

Some examples of innovative design solutions in residential architecture include the use of sustainable materials, the integration of technology, and the creation of flexible spaces.
Discussing the impact of residential architecture on communitiesResidential architecture can be used to showcase the creativity and ingenuity of architects.

Some examples of exceptional residential architecture include the Fallingwater House by Frank Lloyd Wright, the Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier, and the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe.
Exploring cultural influences on residential designResidential design can be influenced by a variety of cultural factors, such as the climate, the landscape, and the local building traditions.

Some examples of cultural influences on residential design include the use of traditional materials, the incorporation of local motifs, and the creation of spaces that are comfortable and inviting.

6. Embracing Sustainability and Green Architecture

Incorporating energy-efficient design principlesResidential architects can incorporate energy-efficient design principles into their work by using materials with high insulation value, installing energy-efficient appliances and lighting, and designing homes that take advantage of natural light and ventilation.
Exploring renewable energy options for homesResidential architects can explore renewable energy options for homes by installing solar panels, wind turbines, or geothermal heat pumps.
Implementing passive design strategiesResidential architects can implement passive design strategies by orienting homes to take advantage of the sun, using natural ventilation, and designing homes with high thermal mass.
Reducing the carbon footprint of residential architectureResidential architects can reduce the carbon footprint of residential architecture by using sustainable materials, designing homes that are energy-efficient, and incorporating renewable energy options.
Discussing the future of sustainable residential designThe future of sustainable residential design is bright. As the world becomes increasingly aware of the need to reduce our environmental impact, there is a growing demand for sustainable homes.

Residential architects can play a vital role in meeting this demand by designing homes that are both beautiful and environmentally friendly.

Conclusion for Residential Architect’s Role in Construction

In conclusion, residential architects play a multifaceted role in the construction of homes, blending artistry, functionality, and technical expertise.

Residential Architect

Through this article, you will be able to understand “What does a Residential Architect Really Do!!”

They navigate the complexities of building codes, structural engineering, material selection, and spatial design to create safe, aesthetically pleasing, and personalized living spaces.

The profession of residential architecture encompasses both the artistic vision and the scientific precision required to transform dreams into reality.

By appreciating the art and science behind residential architecture, we gain a deeper understanding and admiration for the meticulous craftsmanship and thoughtful considerations that go into every design.

Residential architects truly shape the way we live, crafting homes that inspire, nurture, and reflect our unique identities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What qualifications are required to become a residential architect?

To become a residential architect, certain qualifications and steps are typically required.

Here are the key qualifications:

Education: Obtain a professional degree in architecture from an accredited university or college. This typically involves completing a Bachelor’s degree (B.Arch.) or a Master’s degree (M.Arch.) in Architecture.

Internship: Gain practical experience through an internship or architectural apprenticeship program. Many jurisdictions require a certain number of documented internship hours under the guidance of a licensed architect.

Licensure: Pass the architectural registration examination administered by the licensing board in the jurisdiction where you intend to practice. This exam typically includes multiple divisions covering various aspects of architectural practice.

Registration: Apply for architectural registration with the licensing board in your jurisdiction. Registration requirements vary by location, but it generally involves submitting an application, paying fees, and demonstrating completion of education, internship, and examination requirements.

Continued Professional Development: Engage in lifelong learning and professional development to stay updated on emerging trends, technologies, and best practices in the field of architecture.

How long does it take to complete a residential architectural project?

The cost of hiring a residential architect can vary based on several factors.
Here are some key factors that influence the cost:

Scope of Work: The complexity and size of the project will impact the architect’s fee. Larger and more intricate projects generally require more time and resources, resulting in higher costs.

Experience and Reputation: Established and highly experienced architects often command higher fees due to their expertise, track record, and reputation in the industry.

Services Required: The specific services you require from the architect will affect the cost. This could include initial consultations, conceptual design, detailed drawings, project management, and construction oversight. Each additional service may incur additional fees.

Project Location: The cost of living and market conditions in the project’s location can influence the architect’s fees. Higher living costs and demand in certain areas may result in higher rates.

Customization and Complexity: Unique design elements, customization, and intricate details in the project will increase the architect’s involvement and may impact the cost.

Timeframe: If there are time constraints or a need for expedited services, the architect may charge higher fees to accommodate the accelerated schedule.

Additional Consultants: Depending on the project requirements, additional consultants such as structural engineers or interior designers may be necessary. Their fees will also contribute to the overall cost.

Project Budget: In some cases, architects charge a percentage of the total project budget. As the budget increases, the architect’s fee will proportionally increase.

What factors influence the cost of hiring a residential architect?

The cost of hiring a residential architect can be influenced by several factors, including:

Project Size and Complexity: The scale and complexity of the project play a significant role in determining the architect’s fee. Larger projects or those with unique design challenges may require more time and expertise, leading to higher costs.

Services Required: The range of services you need from the architect will impact the cost. This can include initial consultations, site analysis, concept development, construction drawings, project management, and coordination with contractors and suppliers. Each additional service will contribute to the overall cost.

Architect’s Experience and Reputation: Architects with extensive experience and a strong reputation often command higher fees due to their expertise and track record of successful projects.

Location of the Project: The geographic location of the project can affect the architect’s fee. Architectural fees can vary based on the local market conditions, cost of living, and demand for architectural services in the area.

Customization and Design Complexity: If your project requires intricate designs, unique features, or extensive customization, it may require more time and effort from the architect, resulting in higher fees.

Timeframe and Project Schedule: If you have a tight timeline or require expedited services, the architect may need to allocate additional resources or adjust their schedule, which can impact the cost.

Additional Consultants and Specialists: Depending on the project’s requirements, the involvement of additional consultants, such as structural engineers, interior designers, or landscape architects, may be necessary. Their fees will add to the overall cost.

Project Budget: In some cases, architects may base their fees on a percentage of the project’s total budget. As the budget increases, the architect’s fee will also increase proportionally.

What are some common challenges faced by residential architects?

Residential architects encounter several common challenges throughout their projects.
Here are some examples:

Client Expectations: Meeting the expectations of clients can be challenging as they often have unique visions and preferences. Architects must strike a balance between realizing the client’s vision and ensuring the feasibility and functionality of the design.

Budget Constraints: Working within limited budgets can be a significant challenge. Architects must find creative solutions to maximize value and quality while adhering to financial limitations.

Building Codes and Regulations: Navigating complex building codes and regulations can be time-consuming and challenging. Architects must stay updated on evolving codes and ensure compliance while balancing design objectives.

Site Limitations
: Dealing with site constraints, such as irregular topography, limited space, or environmental considerations, requires architects to adapt designs and find innovative solutions.

Coordination with Contractors and Suppliers: Ensuring effective communication and coordination with contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers is crucial for successful project execution. Architects must manage these relationships to maintain the quality and timely completion of the construction process.

Construction Challenges: During the construction phase, unexpected issues may arise that require prompt resolution. Architects must address these challenges while keeping the project on track and minimizing disruptions.

Evolving Technology and Sustainability: Keeping up with advancements in architectural technology and integrating sustainable design principles can be demanding. Architects must continually update their skills and knowledge to provide innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

Client Changes and Decision-Making: Clients may change their minds or make decisions that impact the design and construction process. Architects must effectively manage these changes while maintaining the project’s integrity and timeline.

Collaboration and Communication: Facilitating effective collaboration and communication between stakeholders, including clients, contractors, engineers, and consultants, is essential for project success. Architects must ensure clear and consistent communication throughout the design and construction phases.

How can residential architects balance functionality and aesthetics?

Residential architects play a crucial role in balancing functionality and aesthetics in their designs. Here are some approaches they employ:

Understanding User Needs: Architects engage in thorough discussions with clients to understand their specific needs, lifestyle, and preferences. This understanding allows them to design spaces that are not only visually appealing but also functional and tailored to the occupants’ requirements.

Space Planning and Layout: Architects carefully consider the spatial arrangement and flow of the home. They optimize the layout to ensure efficient circulation, logical room placement, and appropriate zoning of spaces for different activities while maintaining a visually pleasing composition.

Integration of Design Elements: Architects skillfully integrate functional elements, such as storage solutions, built-in furniture, and efficient use of space, into the overall design. These elements seamlessly blend with the aesthetics, enhancing the functionality of the home.

Material Selection: Architects choose materials that not only contribute to the desired aesthetic appeal but also align with functional considerations. They consider durability, maintenance requirements, and suitability for specific areas of the home to ensure longevity and practicality.

Lighting and Ventilation: Architects pay careful attention to natural lighting and ventilation to enhance both functionality and aesthetics. They strategically position windows, skylights, and openings to maximize daylighting, improve energy efficiency, and create a pleasant ambiance.

Sustainable Design: Architects incorporate sustainable design principles to balance functionality and aesthetics. They integrate energy-efficient systems, eco-friendly materials, and sustainable building practices to minimize the environmental impact while providing a comfortable and efficient living environment.

Iterative Design Process: Architects engage in an iterative design process, continually refining and optimizing the balance between functionality and aesthetics. They evaluate design options, gather feedback from clients and stakeholders, and make necessary adjustments to achieve the desired balance.

Collaboration with Other Professionals: Architects collaborate with engineers, interior designers, and other professionals to ensure that functional requirements are met without compromising the overall design vision. This interdisciplinary collaboration allows for a holistic approach to achieving the desired balance.

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