AL Design Journal

AL Design Journal

Mind-blowing modern kitchen design ideas | 6 different layouts of modular kitchen designs for small kitchens, Everything you need to know

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About Modular Kitchen

The primary functions of a modular kitchen are to store, prepare, and cook food (and perform related tasks such as washing). This room or area can also be used for meals (or small meals like breakfast), entertainment, and laundry.

A modern kitchen design idea is a modern kitchen concept consisting of drawers, cabinets and shelves arranged in a way that saves a lot of space.

These modern modular kitchen designs for small kitchens are modern and practical in organizing limited spaces, especially in apartment-style living spaces in crowded cities.

Modern kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen designs for small kitchens

The design and construction of kitchens represent a large worldwide market. A kitchen is a room or part of a room used for cooking and food preparation in a commercial or residential establishment.

Modern kitchen design ideas are usually equipped with a stove, a sink with hot and cold water, a refrigerator, a work table and cabinets arranged in a modular design. Many households have a microwave oven, a dishwasher, and other electric appliances. 

Mind-blowing modular kitchen design ideas.

In this blog, we are talking about the Kitchen of a Small Space House. So The design includes the usual rack on the wall, a spacious workspace and a dedicated storage area for different foods. 

Modern kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen designs for small kitchens

Beecher even separates cooking and food preparation by moving the stove to a compartment adjacent to the stove. 

Today’s modern fitted kitchens use chipboard or MDF, decorated with a variety of materials and finishes including wood veneer, lacquer, glass, melamine, laminate, ceramic and shiny eco. Very few manufacturers produce stainless steel home-fitted kitchens. 

Until the 1950s, steel kitchens were used by architects, but this material has been replaced by cheaper chipboard that is sometimes decorated with a steel surface.

Kitchen design is a relatively new discipline. The earliest ideas for optimizing work in the kitchen come from Catharine Beecher’s book.

A Treatise on Domestic Economy (1843, revised and republished with her sister Harriet Beecher Stowe as The American Woman’s Home in 1869).

Beecher’s “Model Kitchen” first propagated systematic design based on original ergonomics The design includes the usual rack on the wall, spacious workspace and a dedicated storage area for different foods.

The design of the kitchen is mainly specialized in the opinion of the architect In the United States, “Small House Council” since 1993 under the name “Building Research Council”.

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Architecture was founded in 1944 to improve the construction profession.

Initially, the focus was on standardization to reduce costs This is where the concept of the kitchen work triangle comes in: the three main functions in the kitchen are storage, preparation, and cooking.

The positions for these functions should be arranged in the kitchen so that work in one place does not affect work in another, the distance between these places is not too great and there are no obstacles in the way.

Types of Kitchen

Single file kitchen (also called one-way stove or straight stove)

Along with one wall; The working triangle degenerates into a straight line This is not optimal, but it is often the only solution if space is limited This can be common in an attic converted into a living room or studio

Two-story kitchen (or double-sided kitchen)

there are two rows of cabinets on opposite walls, one row contains pots and sinks, and the other contains refrigerators This is a classic working kitchen style, efficient use of space.

L-shaped Kitchen

Cabinets occupy two adjacent walls Again, the work triangle is retained and there may even be room for an additional worktop on the third wall, as long as it is not cut triangle

U-shaped kitchen

Cabinets along three walls, often with a sink at the base of the “U”. It’s also a typical working kitchen unless the other two rows of cabinets are short enough to fit a table on the fourth wall

G-shaped kitchen

It has cabinets along three walls, like a U-shaped kitchen, and also has a fourth wall, usually with a double sink in the corner of the G Kitchen G provides additional workspace and storage and can support two work triangles A modified version of the G stove is the double L stove, which splits the G into two L-shaped components, essentially adding an L-shaped island.

Block Kitchens

The block (or island) kitchen is a more recent development, often found in open-plan kitchens. Here the stove or stove and sink are located where the L or U block kitchen will have a table, in an “island”, separate from the other cabinets.

In a closed room, this doesn’t make much sense, but in the indoor open kitchen, it makes the kitchen accessible from all sides so that two people can cook together and allows contact with guests or guests from the rest of the family.

The chief no longer faces the wall Plus, the kitchen island counter can become an overflow surface for serving buffet-style meals or seating for breakfast and snacks.

Kitchen design in India

In India, a kitchen is called a “Rasoi” (in Hindi\Sanskrit) or a “Swayampak ghar” in Marathi, and there exist many other names for it in the various regional languages. 

Modern kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen designs for small kitchens

Many different methods of cooking exist across the country, and the structure and materials used in constructing kitchens have varied depending on the region. 

For example, in north and central India, cooking used to be carried out in clay ovens called “Chulha”s, fired by wood, coal or dried cow dung. 

In households where members observed vegetarianism, separate kitchens were maintained to cook and store vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. 

Religious families often treat the kitchen as a sacred space. Indian kitchens are built on an Indian architectural science called Vastu Shastra. 

The Indian kitchen Vastu is of utmost importance while designing kitchens in India. Modern-day architects also follow the norms of Vastu shastra while designing Indian kitchens across the world.

While many kitchens belonging to poor families continue to use clay stoves and the older forms of fuel, the urban middle and upper classes usually have gas stoves with cylinders or piped gas attached. 

Electric cooktops are rarer since they consume a great deal of electricity, but microwave ovens are gaining popularity in urban households and commercial enterprises. Indian kitchens are also supported by biogas and solar energy as fuel. 

The world’s largest solar energy kitchen is built in India. In association with government bodies, India is encouraging domestic biogas plants to support the kitchen system.

How much should a new Kitchen Cost?

In India

In India, The whole contract for a modular kitchen’s design price is around ₹3300 ($40) per square ft. For custom kitchen design, services are charged around ₹10000 ($125) per square ft.

In West

A new kitchen will likely cost between $100 and $300 per square foot (£800 to £2,400 per square meter). Installing a custom kitchen can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $125,000 (£3,700 to £93,000) depending on your size, style and availability Fits.

[As per the charge of kitchen service in both regions, it seems like Indian Construction services are far cheaper than Western Nations].

The perfect way to Kitchen Design for Residence

Conceptualize the big picture

Assess the existing conditions of the kitchen and modify certain elements, such as doors and windows, that will affect the kitchen layout.

The built plan is to look at how things are working and what is not working so well. Then by drawing some sketches with very different layouts to see what the client reacts to, different shapes

Once the approximate layout has been established, the devices are selected, as their dimensions affect the counter and cabinet measurements

Interview your clients, about how they going to use the Space!

During layout planning, the priority of the Designer, Architect is to ask their client “What are you doing in here? How do you work? What’s your morning routine?”

Create clusters

The concept of the kitchen triangle has dominated. The sink, stove, and fridge every make up a factor of the triangle and must be within a positive distance to each other for efficiency. 

Instead of a strict triangle, Black thinks in phrases of clustering associated activities.

The prep area must best be used for prep activities (along with cleansing food, chopping, and combining ingredients), have clean get entry to trash, and won’t overlap with the grimy dish stockpile.

the sink and variety are manifestly near together, and the fridge goes a touch bit further, typically due to the fact it’s this kind of massive detail and desires to be tucked away.

With the refrigerator on the fringe of the action, different own circles of relatives and individuals can get snacks without intruding on the cook’s workspace.

Keep the Sensitive types of equipment contained

Sink and hob units should be positioned so that they are shielded from the main aisles.

Plan to hide this area as much as possible Provides easy access to external trash cans, to avoid carrying a single drip bag to another finished product room.

Contrast the space with Lights

For favourable conditions, natural daylight is considered a top priority. But what about Night time!? 

For artificial lighting, it is necessary to install alternative styles such as surface mounts, wall sconces and under-cabinet strips, aiming to “focus lights in important places”. Installing a dimmer ensures that the light can focus on the work as well as the mood.

Use drawers and doors on Purpose

Cabinets should have both fully extended drawers and vertical storage space. Both have their goals. Drawers are a great place to reach the back of cabinet space.

Deeper vertical cabinets, sometimes equipped with slots, can accommodate more delicate shapes Take an inventory of your kitchen equipment so you know exactly what you need.

Select the Materials Carefully and wisely

Choosing countertops and other finishes, a sense of the homeowner’s housekeeping inclinations, as well as how bothered they are by evidence of wear. Picking the materials, this method can be performed once. 

Including the dining room will save the extra space 

We suggest making the dining room cosy and the table oversized. “I don’t want the table to float in a big room,” she says Aisles and crevices around the table should be at least 1 meter wide

From the tabletop, she hangs 30 to 34-inch pendant lights or chandeliers to create a cosy pool of light and draw your guests’ attention to what matters most: good food and great company.

One Wall Kitchen: A new convenient and trending style 

A single-wall layout is a kitchen in which everything is contained within a straight wall These types of kitchens are usually found in small homes and efficient apartments to save floor space and construction costs.

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A lovely olive green one-wall kitchen against a brick wall brings the feel of the outback at home

A single-wall layout has all the appliances, cabinets and countertops on one wall This allows owners to perform all tasks in a single workspace.

Due to limited space, single-wall layouts often include a compact refrigerator and stove. Other consumers rely on their kitchen counters to provide an additional surface for preparing food.

These two devices are often separated by a sink A modern single-wall layout may have an island on the other side of the wall to provide more worktop space for the occupants.

A single-wall layout is limited in what you can do, but it does have its benefits A single-wall layout is extremely convenient as it allows residents to prepare, cook and clean up in one space.

This layout is also popular with owners who have space. Read our guide for tips and inspiration for designing a wall-to-wall.

Kitchen Triangular Rule

According to the kitchen triangle rule, each side of the triangle should be no less than four feet and no more than 9 feet.

Work triangle

The perimeter of the triangle should not be less than 13 feet and not more than 26 feet, in other words, neither too small nor too large.

Most Common Kitchen flooring

1. Hardwood

Hardwood floors can be refinished to revamp their look, which can be especially helpful if you’re remodelling a small and don’t want to remodel the entire floor to match the new aesthetic.

Like tile floors, hardwood can be tiled in different patterns to add interest Recently, recycled, recyclable and eco-friendly hardwoods have received special attention. One of the more traditional options, hardwood remains a popular choice for flooring today. 

Although not waterproof, solid hardwoods with the right finish are water resistant Spills should be cleaned up immediately to avoid damage.


  • Many colours and patterns are available
  • Easy to update


  • Not waterproof
  • Can be a slippery surface
2. Tile

Floor tiles are a good choice for areas that are frequently exposed to water, Tiles are incredibly durable, but in some cases, the grout needs to be sealed to keep the tiles stain-resistant.

Ceramic tile, porcelain, and stone are all popular choices for flooring. 

Tiles come in a variety of sizes and colours and can be arranged in a variety of patterns to fit almost any design theme.

The same goes for ceramic and porcelain tiles; Ceramic tiles are even more durable than porcelain. 

Porcelain in particular is waterproof and easy to clean, but tiles can be slippery and grout stains easily, so any mess should always be cleaned up immediately.

Both are highly resistant to damage, although due to their hardness, dishes that fall on them are likely to break and due to their weight they are not recommended for the quadratic type.

Stone tiles are more expensive and also require more maintenance than ceramic or porcelain With proper care, they can be as durable as other tiles and is also more slip resistant due to their porous surface.

Stone tiles used for flooring include granite, marble, slate, and granite.


  • Many colours and patterns are available
  • Very durable
  • Waterproof


  • Can be a slippery surface
  • Requires some upkeep
  • Should be professionally installed
3. Vinyl

Vinyl floors are making a comeback in recent years due to recent upgrades. Fully waterproof, almost bouncy underfoot, and surprisingly easy to clean.

Finished vinyl floors are now available in tiles and planks that mimic the look of hardwood and stone. The biggest drawback to vinyl floors is that they are softer than other options.

Large appliances can dent or scratch, so be careful when moving or upgrading things.


  • Can mimic more expensive material
  • Waterproof
  • Can be installed without a professional


  • Not as sturdy as tile
  • Can be dented or scratched


4. Laminate

Like vinyl, laminate flooring is a great option for flooring and DIY installations.

Laminate has long been a cheaper alternative to parquet. Like vinyl, it can mimic the look of hardwood at a low cost. Unlike vinyl, they are not always waterproof, but waterproof versions are now available.


  • Can mimic more expensive material
  • Can be waterproof if a certain kind is used
  • Can be installed without a professional


  • Not as durable as other options
  • Some kinds are not waterproof
5. Concrete

Concrete floors may sound too harsh for homely areas of the house, but they’re a very durable option for kitchens.

One of the biggest advantages of concrete is its price. It’s a much cheaper flooring option and can be styled to look like anything else, so it doesn’t have to look cheap.

Concrete can be designed to look like wood, stone, or tile, and can be sealed to be almost completely waterproof, but near damp areas, such as in front of sinks and dishwashers.


  • Inexpensive
  • Waterproof


  • Not as classic as other options

Most Popular Colours for Kitchen Wall

When it comes to kitchens, white, grey, blue, red, yellow and green shine Each of these shades can do something different for a room.

All contribute to a warm and welcoming space Warmer colours like red are said to stimulate the appetite and are a great choice.

Why is the Sink always kept nearby windows?

The sink is always under the window, so you don’t have to worry about using cabinet space for the sink and access to the plumbing is easy.

Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen

The windows also let in natural light, so hand-washed dishes dry quickly and you can enjoy the beautiful view while you work.

One person pointed out that because the windows are on the outside wall, they are often above the sink. This is the most effective option for hygiene reasons.

Why should stoves have Chimneys?

A chimney prevents damage to the ceiling above the cooking area and prevents smoke from spreading to other rooms Having a chimney reduces the hassle of cleaning.

Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen

The function and importance of the stove chimney. The chimney’s primary function is to direct smoke away from the stove and out of the house.

However, this is not the only function of the stove, it also requires: You need to ensure that enough air is drawn into the stove so that the fire burns cleanly. Any time you cook on the stovetop, it prevents fat from building up on your walls and contaminating your lungs.

This is especially true when frying foods or using a lot of spices A chimney should be used to filter the smoke and steam that is produced. Everyday cooking and the release of oily particles can stain walls, cabinets and tiles.

Therefore, you need a modular chimney to get rid of all the fumes right above your stove before the wall gets all sticky.

Characteristics of Ideal Kitchen design

  • has plenty of storage and worktop space.
  • has a well-placed work area.
  • Open floor plans are perfect.
  • Get the perfect kitchen with quality appliances.

Which flooring is easy to maintain and clean?


It is a floor covering made of materials such as hardened linseed oil (lipoxins), pine resin, cork flour, sawdust, and mineral fillers such as calcium carbonate, most commonly found on a burlap or canvas backing.

Linoleum is an easy-care, durable and eco-friendly flooring material. Made from linseed oil, linoleum is easily renewable, all-natural, biodegradable, and has a very little negative impact on the environment.

Pigments are often added to materials to achieve desired colour finishes. Commercially, vinyl flooring has largely replaced the material, but it is still often referred to as lino in the UK.

The finest linoleum floors, known as ‘parquet’, are extremely durable and are made by joining and inlaying solid linoleum.

Which Tile flooring is best for flooring?

Porcelain floor tiles are a mixture of clay with sand added to them and are made with heat and pressure to produce a tile that is harder, denser and less porous than regular ceramic tiles. Perfect for high-traffic areas.

Tiles, Laminate, and Vinyl, which one is best for flooring?

Porcelain and ceramic tiles are the most commonly used floor tiles in Indian homes Both are hard, water resistant, and easy to clean, making them ideal for floors.

Which Flooring type is long-lasting?

Porcelain floor tiles.

Which Wall Paint is best for Walls?

A satin or semi-gloss finish is best. You might think that satin and eggshell have the same finish, but satin is a little shinier. The satin finish is easy to clean and resists mildew, stains and stains.

Types of Kitchen Layout for Small Spaces

A harmonious arrangement of worktops, appliances and storage space is essential to your success kitchen comes in all shapes and sizes, but with a balanced layout, they are as functional as they are beautiful.

If you’re learning how to remodel, buy a home, or do your research, here are six layouts that almost always work.

One-Wall Layout

A single-wall kitchen layout consists of cabinets and appliances arranged along one wall For smaller homes such as studios and lofts, this format keeps everything within reach. But keep in mind that this layout doesn’t use the working triangle.

Instead, the components are organized by workspace, making the space flow more intentionally Vertical space is of utmost importance in this design Shelves and wall cabinets maximize your space for storage and organization.

When available space permits, single-wall layout designs can be expanded with the help of other elements. 

Galley Layout

The galley layout is a sophisticated and efficient option for small and cosy spaces Two walls facing each other characterize this layout.

A galley layout plan that makes effective use of small spaces Although it is often not necessary to configure annoying corner cabinets, this is not always the case.

If you are working in a galley kitchen, consider placing your work area on one wall, but not both.

This arrangement avoids traffic passing through the working triangle and prevents injuries and accidents.

L-Shaped Layout

The L-shaped kitchen layout is linear and dynamic and Features a corner-built unit on two sides and an ample work surface.

The Working Triangle doesn’t fit this scenario perfectly, but we recommend an ‘L’ leg length of about 12-15 feet to maximize space.

U-Shaped Layout

In small areas, a U-shaped floor plan can also create a sense of closure. Using open shelving instead of wall units can give the impression of more open and spacious space.

A U-shaped layout plan encloses three walls to define cooking zones and separate the space from the rest of the home.

Still, two corners could give him points in two pairs of pinches. Drawers and carousels eliminate wasted corners and allow users to get into hard-to-reach areas.

A U-shaped layout, also known as a horseshoe kitchen layout, provides ample storage space, allows for excellent workflow, and allows multiple users.

This kitchen layout is a great way to create an uninterrupted working triangle to maximize space.

Island Layout

An adaptable solution, the island can be the main prep area in the kitchen, cooking centre, laundry centre, or both The island kitchen is highly functional

Due to its central location, the island acts as a traffic control to maintain the natural flow of the kitchen area.

For very open spaces and large kitchens, the dual island layout can disrupt the traditional kitchen environment. I have.

The dual island layout creates a functional design that allows for socializing while also providing separate entertaining and cooking areas.

Peninsula Layout

The peninsula kitchen is a U-shaped kitchen plan that connects islands. Some call this a G-shaped design because of the shape that the attached island creates.

The Peninsula offers a traffic pattern similar to the Island Kitchen, but with more play and workspace within reach This is a great solution if your space doesn’t support independent islands.

The peninsula space is great for eating while someone else is cooking or helping with meal prep. The perfect solution to recreate the look and feel of open space without tearing down walls.

Decoration of Small Space Kitchen

Decorate Open Shelving

  • Replacing the upper cabinets with open shelves can create an open atmosphere. 
  • Avoid cluttering your shelves with too many items.
  • Mix accessories such as small vases, wooden cutting boards, framed artwork and potted plants with cute tableware and drinks.

Add a Rug to Kitchen Area

  • A rug can add bright colour and pattern to a small kitchen without taking up too much wall or counter space.
  • Fill the open floor space in the centre of your space with sweep rugs or place rugs along the central aisle of your kitchen.
  • This bold red and blue rug makes an impactful statement in a small kitchen.

Choose Bold Textiles

  • A colourful window treatment is the star of a small kitchen.
  • For example, this bold Roman hue draws attention to the window in this tiny, providing another layer of colour between the blue-grey cabinets and concrete countertops.
  • A polished copper pendant adds extra sparkle and style.


  • White space is the perfect canvas to experiment with ideas by adding blue-patterned wallpaper to the backsplash of this space.
  • Blue gives a white room to breathe.
  • In addition, a vintage carpet colours your feet. Both are relatively inexpensive and easy to replace if your tastes change.

Choose Colorful Stools

  • Brighten up your small kitchen with a brightly coloured island stool.
  • Buy a stool with a bright finish or update your existing furniture with a new coat of paint.
  • These jade-coloured stools provide a stylish island for seating and form the basis for the rest of the colour scheme.

Walls with Color

  • Paint the walls with bright paint.
  • In this clean white kitchen, the kiwi green walls add a playful flair and inspire the rest of the decor.
  • Primary colour accessories continue the retro-mod theme.

Patterns in Tile

  • Patterned backsplash tiles add character and much-needed movement to your small kitchen.
  • The classic black and white colour scheme can be easily accented with different colours as your style changes.

Case Study: Kitchen Design For Studio Apartment

Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen


  • Project type

Modular Kitchen Design

  • Project Completed In


  • Project Size

Small Scale

  • Area


  • Height


  • Type


Description of Project

When it comes to small space kitchens, there are a few things you can do to make the most of the limited space you have. Here are a few tips.

Use wall space wisely. If you have a small kitchen, chances are you don’t have a lot of counter space. So, make use of your wall space by hanging pots and pans on a pot rack or using wall shelves to store spices and other cooking essentials.

Get creative with storage. There are a lot of creative ways to store things in a small space kitchen. Use under-the-sink and over-the-door organizers to make the most of your space. And, don’t forget about vertical storage!

Use hooks to hang things like pots and pans from the ceiling or install a spice rack on the wall. Keep it simple. When it comes to small space kitchens, less is more.

The design of the kitchen is a G-shaped layout. The peninsula kitchen is a U-shaped layout that connects the islands Some call it the G-shaped design because of the shape created by the attached island.

The peninsula offers a similar circulation pattern to the island layout plan, but with more play and work spaces within reach. This is a great solution if your space doesn’t support independent islands.

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Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen
Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen
Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen


Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen
Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen
Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen
Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen
Modular kitchen design ideas and Modular kitchen design for small kitchen


Modular kitchen design is an important place in any home, functional space. Probably where most housewives spend their time.

Decorating it is also crucial. From shelving to this rug to wall art, every element makes a kitchen beautiful.

We also learn about the ideal ways to design a kitchen, which consists of shelves, rugs, patterns, stools, walls, tiles and patterns arranged appropriately.

At last, we had a case study of the modern modular kitchen for a small space of studio appartment. 

The kitchen’s layout is a G-shaped layout Design. The peninsula kitchen is a U-shaped layout plan that connects the islands Some call it the G-shaped design because of the shape created by the attached island.

The peninsula offers a similar circulation pattern to the island layout plan, but with more play and work spaces within reach. This is a great solution if your space doesn’t support independent islands.

Information Courtesy- WIKIPEDIA

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