AL Design Journal

AL Design Journal

Midjourney: A New Helping AI Tool for Architecture Design in 2023

In 2023, the world of architecture design will be forever changed with the introduction of Midjourney, a groundbreaking new AI tool that promises to revolutionize the way architects approach their craft. 

With its innovative features and intuitive interface, it will enable architects to take their designs to new heights, offering real-time collaboration, AI-assisted sketching, automated 3D modelling, material and texture selection assistance, lighting and shadow simulation, rendering capabilities, customizable templates, and much more.

Gone are the days of tedious manual drafting and cumbersome software interfaces; this thing is the future of architecture design. 

With its ability to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, enhance creativity, and reduce costs, it is a game-changing tool for architects of all levels of experience.

But Midjourney is more than just a tool; it’s a partner in the design process. 

Midjourney Emblem

With its ability to learn from user behaviour and suggest improvements, this ai tool is more than just a passive program; it’s a proactive collaborator that can help architects reach their full potential. 

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a novice just starting out, it is the perfect tool for taking your designs to the next level.

So, join us on this exciting journey into the future of architecture design with it, the ultimate AI tool for architects. 

With its state-of-the-art features, intuitive interface, and groundbreaking design capabilities.

This AI tool is sure to transform the way you approach your craft and take your designs to new heights.

Midjourney Features

It is the most advanced AI tool designed specifically for architects, providing them with a range of exciting features that simplify and streamline the design process. 

Here are some of the most exciting features that Midjourney has to offer:

  1. Real-time Collaboration: its real-time collaboration feature enables architects to collaborate on a project in real-time, no matter where they are located in the world.

This feature is ideal for architects who work in teams or with clients, as it makes it easier to communicate and share ideas.

  1. AI-assisted Sketching: AI-assisted sketching feature simplifies the sketching process by automatically correcting lines and shapes, making it easier to create accurate and professional-looking sketches. 

This feature is especially useful for architects who are not skilled in sketching or who want to save time.

  1. Automated 3D Modeling: an automated 3D modelling feature eliminates the need for manual modelling, enabling architects to create detailed 3D models of their designs quickly. 

This feature is ideal for architects who need to create a large number of models in a short amount of time.

  1. Material and Texture Selection Assistance: This Tool’s material and texture selection assistance feature provides architects with an extensive library of materials and textures to choose from, making it easier to select the right ones for their designs. 

The feature also provides suggestions based on the design’s theme, making it easier to make informed decisions.

  1. Lighting and Shadow Simulation: This tool’s lighting and shadow simulation feature enables architects to see how their designs will look in different lighting conditions. 

This feature makes it easier to choose the right lighting for a design, ensuring that it looks its best in any setting.

  1. Rendering Capabilities: This AI Tool’s rendering capabilities enable architects to create high-quality, photorealistic images of their designs. 

This feature makes it easier to present designs to clients and stakeholders, helping them to understand the vision behind the design.

  1. Customizable Templates: It may be customizable templates feature that provides architects with a range of pre-designed templates that can be customized to fit their specific needs. 

This feature saves time and enables architects to get started on their designs quickly.

In summary, it is an advanced AI tool that provides architects with a range of features that simplify and streamline the design process. 

From real-time collaboration to customizable templates, it is the perfect tool for architects looking to take their designs to the next level. 

With this online tool, architects can create stunning designs quickly and efficiently, making it easier to bring their visions to life.

Benefits of Midjourney AI Tool

It is an advanced AI tool that is designed to help architects streamline their design process, improve efficiency, and increase creativity. 

In addition to these benefits, there are several other advantages that come with using this tool. Here are some of the benefits of the AI Tool:

  1. Improved Efficiency: advanced features enable architects to complete designs more quickly and efficiently. 

The tool’s real-time collaboration, AI-assisted sketching, and automated 3D modelling features allow architects to work faster and more accurately. 

With that tool, architects can save time and increase productivity.

  1. Enhanced Creativity: Midjourney provides architects with a range of tools that enable them to be more creative in their designs.

The tool’s material and texture selection assistance, lighting and shadow simulation, and rendering capabilities make it easier to create unique and visually stunning designs. 

With Midjourney, architects can push the boundaries of their creativity and deliver designs that stand out from the crowd.

  1. Increased Accuracy: Midjourney’s AI-assisted sketching and automated 3D modelling features ensure that architects create accurate designs every time. 

The tool’s advanced algorithms detect and correct errors, ensuring that designs are accurate and precise. 

This feature reduces the risk of errors, ensuring that designs are of high quality and meet the required specifications.

  1. Cost Reduction: Midjourney can help architects save money by reducing the need for expensive design software and equipment. 

The tool is affordable and accessible, making it an excellent option for architects who are looking to reduce their costs without compromising on quality. 

With Midjourney, architects can create high-quality designs without breaking the bank.

  1. Reduced Time to Market: Midjourney’s advanced features enable architects to complete designs more quickly, reducing the time to market new products and services. 

The tool’s real-time collaboration and automated 3D modelling features enable architects to work more efficiently, enabling them to bring their designs to market faster. 

This feature gives architects a competitive advantage, enabling them to beat their competitors to market with their new designs.

In summary, Midjourney AI Tool offers a range of benefits to architects, including improved efficiency, enhanced creativity, increased accuracy, cost reduction, and reduced time to market. 

With Midjourney, architects can streamline their design process, create high-quality designs, and deliver them to market faster than ever before. 

The tool is affordable, accessible, and easy to use, making it an excellent option for architects of all levels of experience. 

If you’re an architect looking to take your designs to the next level, then Midjourney is the perfect tool for you.

Midjourney User Interface

The user interface of Midjourney is designed to be user-friendly, efficient, and easy to navigate. The interface is customizable, enabling architects to adapt it to their specific workflow and preferences. 

Here are some of the features of the mid journey user interface:

  1. User-friendly Navigation: Midjourney’s interface is designed to be easy to navigate, with a clear and intuitive layout. 

The tool’s main toolbar is located at the top of the screen, providing quick access to the most commonly used features. The interface also includes a sidebar, which can be customized to display frequently used tools and features. 

The sidebar can be collapsed or expanded, depending on the user’s preference.

  1. Toolbars and Panels Overview: Midjourney’s interface includes several toolbars and panels, each of which is designed to provide easy access to specific features and functions. 

The toolbars are located at the top of the screen and provide access to features such as file management, 3D modelling, rendering, and material and texture selection. 

The panels are located on the right side of the screen and provide access to features such as lighting and shadow simulation, camera views, and object properties.

  1. Workflow Integration: Midjourney’s interface is designed to integrate seamlessly with an architect’s workflow. 

The tool’s real-time collaboration feature enables architects to work together on a project, with each user able to see changes made by others in real time. 

The interface also supports drag-and-drop functionality, enabling architects to quickly and easily import and export files from other applications.

  1. Customizable Settings and Preferences: Midjourney’s interface is highly customizable, allowing architects to adapt it to their specific workflow and preferences. 

The tool’s settings and preferences can be accessed through the preferences panel, enabling architects to customize everything from the colour scheme to the keyboard shortcuts. 

The interface also supports the creation of custom toolbars and panels, enabling architects to create a personalized interface that meets their specific needs.

Midjourney Workflow

The Midjourney workflow is designed to streamline the architectural design process, from ideation to collaboration to the final design.

The workflow consists of four main phases: ideation, design, collaboration, and presentation.

  1. Ideation Phase: The ideation phase is where architects brainstorm and develop ideas for their design. Midjourney’s AI-assisted sketching feature makes this phase more efficient, allowing architects to quickly generate and refine design concepts.
  2. Design Phase: The design phase is where architects use Midjourney’s automated 3D modelling feature to create detailed designs. The tool’s material and texture selection assistance and lighting and shadow simulation features allow architects to fine-tune the details of their designs and create realistic renderings.
  3. Collaboration Phase: The collaboration phase is where architects can use Midjourney’s real-time collaboration feature to work together on a design. This feature allows multiple architects to work on the same project simultaneously, with each user able to see changes made by others in real time.
  4. Presentation Phase: The presentation phase is where architects can use that tool’s rendering capabilities to create high-quality presentations of their designs. The tool’s customizable templates enable architects to create consistent and professional-looking presentations, while the tool’s reduced time-to-market benefit means architects can get their designs to market faster.

Midjourney Integration

It is designed to integrate with a range of other technologies and software programs commonly used in the architecture industry. 

This enables architects to use this tool alongside their existing tools, making the design process even more efficient and effective.

  1. Midjourney and BIM: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a widely used process for creating and managing building data. 

It can integrate with BIM software, allowing architects to import and export BIM data as needed. 

This helps to streamline the design process and ensures that all stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date information.

  1. Midjourney and 3D Printing: 3D printing is becoming increasingly popular in the architecture industry, as it allows architects to quickly and easily create physical models of their designs. 

It can integrate with 3D printing software, enabling architects to create and print their designs directly from the tool.

  1. Midjourney and VR/AR Technologies: Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are rapidly becoming key tools in the architecture industry. 

It can integrate with VR and AR technologies, allowing architects to create immersive experiences for their clients and stakeholders.

  1. Midjourney and CAD: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software is a key tool for architects, and Midjourney can integrate with a range of CAD programs. 

This enables architects to import and export CAD data as needed, making the design process more efficient and effective.

Midjourney Case Studies

We have gone through much research via articles and videos on Youtube. We have found one AI Bot which is CHAT GPT adding a plugin in Google chrome named AIPRM. It has more than 2000 various prompts. In that there that tools’ command prompt is also there…

  1. We just click on that option, and write the KEYWORD after a few seconds, this Chat Gpt created a prompt.
  2. Opened the MidJourney in Discord App.
  3. Type the Command- /Imagine Prompt
  4. Copying those prompts from Chat Gpt, created an extraordinary result.
  • Case Study 1: Residential Building Design

Prompt 1:

/imagine prompt: A modern residential building design featuring a rooftop garden with a view of the city skyline, glass walls showcasing the interior’s elegance and luxury, minimalist and sleek aesthetic, warm and inviting atmosphere, Photography, using a wide-angle lens to capture the entire building, –ar 1:1 –v 5.



Prompt 2:

/imagine prompt: A luxurious residential building design with an infinity pool overlooking the ocean, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, large floor-to-ceiling windows, and a spacious balcony with comfortable outdoor furniture, evoking relaxation and comfort, 3D rendering, using a high-end rendering engine with photorealistic settings, –ar 1:1 –niji.



Prompt 3:

/imagine prompt: A cosy and rustic residential building design nestled in the countryside, with a thatched roof, exposed brick walls, and a wooden porch, surrounded by blooming flowers and a vegetable garden, exuding simplicity and charm, using a warm colour palette to create a soft and dreamy effect, –ar 1:1 –v 5.


03 2

Prompt 4:

/imagine prompt: A modern residential building design with an eco-friendly approach, featuring solar panels, green walls, and a rooftop garden with an apiary, emphasizing sustainability and innovation, surrounded by a bustling urban environment, photorealistic, using cross-hatching and shading to create a dramatic and dynamic effect, –ar 1:1 –v 5.


04 2
  • Case Study 2: Commercial Building Design

Prompt 1:

/imagine prompt: A cutting-edge commercial building design with a futuristic façade made of glass and steel, featuring a spacious and bright lobby with a minimalist interior, state-of-the-art technology, and interactive art installations, creating a sophisticated and innovative atmosphere, Architectural visualization, using a high-quality 3D modelling software to achieve a polished and detailed result, –ar 1:1 –v 5


05 1


06 1

Prompt 2:

/imagine prompt: A historic commercial building design with architectural details, such as arched windows, ornate mouldings, and decorative reliefs, evoking a sense of nostalgia and grandeur, Photography, using a prime lens to capture the intricate details and textures of the building’s exterior, –ar 1:1 –v 5


07 1

Prompt 3:

/imagine prompt: A vibrant commercial building design with a colourful and playful façade made of mosaic tiles, featuring a spacious and eclectic interior with funky furniture, bright colours, and unconventional art installations, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere, Mixed media art, using a combination of digital and traditional techniques to achieve a visually striking and unique result, –ar 1:1 –Niji


08 1

Prompt 4:

/imagine prompt: A sustainable commercial building design with a green roof and a rainwater harvesting system, featuring a spacious and airy interior with large windows, natural light, and energy-efficient systems, creating a comfortable and eco-friendly atmosphere, Technical drawing, using precise lines and annotations to highlight the building’s functional and practical features, –ar 1:1 –v 5


09 1

Midjourney Comparison with Other Architecture Design Tools

Midjourney is an AI-powered tool that helps architects to design buildings and structures. 

While there are other software programs available that offer similar functionality.

It has some unique features that set it apart from the competition.

  1. Comparison with SketchUp: SketchUp is a popular 3D modelling tool that is commonly used in the architecture industry. 

While both SketchUp and Midjourney offer 3D modelling capabilities, It have the added benefit of AI-assisted sketching and real-time collaboration features. 

This enables architects to work more efficiently and effectively, resulting in faster and more accurate designs.

  1. Comparison with AutoCAD: AutoCAD is a widely used CAD software that is popular among architects and designers. 

While AutoCAD is a powerful tool, it lacks some of the advanced AI features that are available in Midjourney. 

These features, such as material and texture selection assistance and lighting and shadow simulation, enable architects to create more realistic and visually appealing designs.

  1. Comparison with Revit: Revit is a BIM software that is commonly used in the architecture industry. 

While both Revit and Midjourney offer BIM integration, They have the added benefit of AI-powered automation. 

This enables architects to quickly create 3D models and simulate lighting and shadows, reducing the time required for design revisions.

Future of Midjourney AI Tool

The future of Midjourney, the AI tool for architecture design, looks promising with several planned updates and improvements in the works. 

One of the key areas of focus is integration with emerging technologies, which would help the tool keep up with the latest advancements in the field of architecture and design. 

This includes the potential for this tool to be integrated with virtual and augmented reality technologies, enabling users to experience their designs in a more immersive and realistic way.

Another exciting possibility for the future of this tool is the potential for AI-generated designs. 

As the technology improves, it may be possible for the tool to generate design options based on specific project parameters and user preferences. 

This would help architects and designers quickly explore a range of possibilities and select the best option for their project.

In addition to these updates, Midjourney has the potential to expand into other industries beyond architecture and design. 

For example, the tool could be adapted for use in the engineering, construction, or manufacturing industries, where it could help to streamline design processes and increase efficiency.

Midjourney Pricing and Availability

Free TrialBasic PlanStandard PlanPro Plan
Monthly Subscription Cost$10$30$60
Annual Subscription Cost$96($8 / month)$288($24 / month)$576($48 / month)
Fast GPU Time0.4 hr/Lifetime3.3 hr/month15 hr/month30 hr/month
Relax GPU TimePer MonthUnlimitedUnlimited
Purchase ExtraGPU Time$4/hr$4/hr$4/hr
Work Solo In YourDirect Messages✓✓✓
Stealth Mode✓
Maximum Queue3 concurrent Jobs10 Jobs waiting in the queue3 concurrent Jobs10 Jobs waiting in the queue3 concurrent Jobs10 Jobs waiting in the queue12 concurrent Fast Jobs3 concurrent Relaxed Jobs10 Jobs waiting in queue
Rate Images toEarn Free GPU Time✓✓✓
Usage RightsCC BY-NC 4.0General Commercial Terms*General Commercial Terms*General Commercial Terms*

If you have subscribed at any point, you are free to use your images in just about any way you want. 

If you are a company making more than $1,000,000 USD in gross revenue per year, you must purchase the Pro plan. 

For complete details please see the Terms of Service.


In conclusion, Midjourney AI Tool is a game-changer in the world of architectural design. 

Its advanced features such as real-time collaboration, AI-assisted sketching, automated 3D modelling, material and texture selection assistance, lighting and shadow simulation, rendering capabilities, and customizable templates make the design process faster, more accurate, and more efficient.

Furthermore, the benefits of using this tool are numerous, including improved efficiency, enhanced creativity, increased accuracy, cost reduction, and reduced time to market. 

The user interface is user-friendly, and the workflow is well-organized, making it easy for architects to create designs that meet their clients’ needs.

Looking into the future, the potential for AI-generated designs and the integration with emerging technologies will undoubtedly revolutionize architectural design. 

While this tool is currently focused on the architecture industry, its potential for expansion to other industries is promising.

In summary, Midjourney is a powerful tool that can help architects design and bring their visions to life. 

With its innovative features and benefits, it is an indispensable tool for anyone in the architecture industry, and we can expect to see more advancements in AI technology in architecture design in the future.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Midjourney in Architecture?

Midjourney is a new AI-powered tool for architecture design that was released in 2023. 

It is designed to streamline and enhance the design process by providing architects and designers with a range of features and capabilities that improve efficiency, creativity, and accuracy. 

Midjourney is a web-based platform that can be accessed from anywhere and is built to facilitate real-time collaboration between team members.

Some of the key features of Midjourney include AI-assisted sketching, automated 3D modelling, material and texture selection assistance, lighting and shadow simulation, rendering capabilities, customizable templates, and more. 

These features are designed to make the design process faster, easier, and more accurate.

Midjourney also has a user-friendly interface with easy navigation, toolbars, panels, and customizable settings and preferences. 

It also follows a streamlined workflow that includes collaboration, ideation, design, and collaboration phases.

How does Midjourney differ from other architecture design tools?

Midjourney differs from other architecture design tools in several ways. 

Firstly, it offers real-time collaboration features, allowing multiple team members to work on the same project simultaneously. 

This saves time and increases efficiency, especially when working remotely.

Secondly, Midjourney utilizes AI-assisted sketching, which can generate multiple design options based on user input. 
This helps to enhance creativity and speed up the design process.

Thirdly, Midjourney offers automated 3D modelling, which allows users to quickly create accurate 3D models of their designs.
This feature saves time and reduces the potential for errors.
Fourthly, Midjourney offers material and texture selection assistance, lighting and shadow simulation, and rendering capabilities, which help to improve the accuracy and visual representation of the design.

Finally, Midjourney offers customizable templates, which can help to speed up the design process and ensure consistency across multiple projects.

What are the key features of Midjourney?

Midjourney is an AI tool designed to assist architects in their design process, offering a range of features to streamline and enhance the design experience. 
Some of the key features of Midjourney include:
-Real-time Collaboration
-AI-assisted Sketching
-Automated 3D Modeling
-Material and Texture Selection Assistance
-Lighting and Shadow Simulation
-Rendering Capabilities
-Customizable Templates

Can Midjourney be used for interior design?

Yes, Just learn the command prompt. For more info, go to Youtube and search query related to Command Prompt- MIDJOURNEY.

What is the pricing of Midjourney?

10 dollars to 60 dollars, there is a custom plan is also available, email the officials about your usage, organisation and purposes. 

After the approval by the officials, you will get Midjourney’s Custom Plan.

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