AL Design Journal

AL Design Journal

Scandinavian interior design: 10 best design ideas for Scandinavian house decor 

A Minimalistic Scandinavian Interior design style uses different textures, soft hues, modern decor Ideas and furniture. 

Nowadays, Many issues will rise in the design while constructing interior or home decor.

Scandinavian Interior design

According to the report of F.Schumacher and Statistia interior design monitors 2021, 43% of interior design fields are due to unrealistic client expectations.

Not even that sometimes interior designers and Architects also failed to provide the design the client asked for.

40% of costs exceed the original budget, and 37% of clients change their minds even if they agreed about it. 

The rest are other problems which are divided into fractions.

For resolving all the issues there is one solution, there is some design idea for Scandinavian interior design which will be especially Scandinavian style.

10 design ideas for Scandinavian house decor

These are 10 design ideas for Scandinavian house decor or tips that help to improvise the interior design of your house.  And they are:

10 design ideas for Scandinavian house decor

Use light and neutral colour palettes

Monochronous colours are mostly used in the Scandinavian style of interior design. White of white is a neutral colour that creates bright and clean backdrops. 

There are many types of colours which are white, grey, blue, black, and cream colour mostly used in the Scandinavian style. 

Such light and neutral colours are mostly used for furniture also. 

There are many different design ideas to use light and neutral colour palettes in different spaces:

If you are planning to decorate your interiors, you may use:-

1. Nature-inspired colour codes like Olive green + cream + black.

2. For the modern interiors you can use the colour code Crispy white + black + gold.

3. If you want the interiors of your house should look elegant, you can go with the colour like off-white + Navy + wood tones.

Emphasize natural light with large windows and minimal window treatments

A window can play a major role in creating spaces, It is necessary to give the importance of Window treatment while planning a space. 

A window covering can act as a function used for decoration and can create a balance between the two space which is interior and exterior.

Natural light is very important as a fact of interior design as well healthy living.

Using large broad Windows can help us to emphasize the minimum window treatments.

Using large broad Windows can also prevent the growth of fungi and another microorganism inside a house. 

Choose furniture with clean lines and simple shapes

Referring to Denish furniture with prefers cleanliness and simple shape should be modern style.

Furniture should be marked by warm wood tones, gentle lines, subtle curves and tapered legs.

For the kitchen and dining area we can prefer would chairs and tables.

Sleek minimalistic sofas and arms shares can be also used in living areas.

For the door of the toilet living areas and even the bedroom you can put carpet and rugs which is a natural fibre made.

Pendant lights and wall lamps can also prefer to highlight the artificial lighting inside the interior of the house.

Add warmth with textured accents

Adding texture ascents like rugs, blankets, and cushions can play a good role in bringing warmth and comfort to the interior of the house.

Using such texture can create a warm and cosy atmosphere in the room of your house.

It will also create richness and luxury in the interior.

Rugs– A Plush, the soft rugs can add warmth to the heart of your surface and make the room feel more inviting, especially in the winter seasons.

Rugs can also come in a variety of texture patterns and colours which allow you to choose as per your personal preference and enhance the decor of your house.

Blankets– Blankets on sofas and armed chairs can highlight the beauty of the furniture as well as it will give you comfort while using that furniture too.

Cushions– Decorative questions can add texture to the room. if you want you can prefer questions with different texture patterns and colours to create a usually interesting display. 

Use plants to bring a touch of nature into the space

Yeah, adding a plant to the interior of your home can bring a touch of nature inside it.

Plants have many benefits from improving the air quality to adding texture and colour to creating a peaceful coming environment.

The person whose having asthma is being consulted by the doctors that you should plant inside their house so that the breathing problem may be cured as soon as possible.

There are many types of indoor plants you can choose which include ferns, succulents, and flowers like Orchard and Peach lilies.

Plants can be used to create indoor Gardens also which can be easily enjoyed in the area that Limited natural life. 

Vertical Gardens, indoor gardens and wall-mounted planters, are also a few ways to incorporate plants into your home. 

Add functional storage

Storage is a crucial aspect of interior design and especially for systematically organising the home.

It acts a significant role in keeping your house cluster free functional and Aesthetically pleasing. 

Play with different textures in materials

Using different textures can add visual interest and depth to the space and can also impact the atmosphere mode around the interior of the room. 

These few examples of textures used in interior design are:

  1. Smooth- Materials such as metal highly glossy finished surfaces of Glass, and ceramic surfaces, do the addition of Shine and a modern feel to an interior of a house.
  1. Rough– Stone, concrete, exposed bricks, and rustic metals are considered rough textures.
  1. Soft– Textures such as velvet wool can add warmth and comfort to a space making it feel inviting.
  1. Shiny– Silk sorting and polished metal can add glamour and sophistication to the space such material can act as Shiny materials. 
  1. Matt- Unless ceramic burlap handmade paint can give calming field to the space. 
  1. Textured- Jute rattan, woven fabric Sach material with this textured pattern can add a visual appearance to the space. 
  1. Natural- Woodstone and cars can bring a sense of outdoor space and also add a connection to nature.

Lighting fixtures

Lightning fixtures are a crucial element of interior design, it throws a great impact on the atmosphere, mode functionality and condition of the space.

Some of the lighting fixtures are

  1. Pendant lights
  2.  Chandeliers
  3.  table lamps
  4.  floor lamps
  5.  Recessed lights
  6.  Track lighting
  7.  Wall Sconces 

Use natural wood flooring

Choosing the correct flooring for the correct spaces we make gives you a good result and that flooring will sustain you for a long.

There are some qualities that good natural flooring must have and that is:-

  1. Warmth and comfort
  2. Durability
  3. Versatility
  4.  Eco-friendly
  5.  add values
  6.  Easy to clean

Mix vintage and contemporary styles

It is an innovative idea to mix vintage and contemporary styles in interior design which makes give you a Unique Result.

Here are a few tips for successfully combining vintage and contemporary styles: 

  1. Start with a neutral palette and use a neutral colour palette as a base for space such as white beige and grey. This may work as a neutral backdrop for both vintage and contemporary elements.
  1. Combine vintage and contemporary furniture such as the sofa with contemporary action chairs to create balance and harmony in the space.
  1. Incorporate vintage accessories such as rugs, curtains, and lighting fixtures to add character and charm to the space.
  1. Use natural materials such as wood stone plants.
  1. Try to add grounding elements and try to connect vintage and Temporary styles of gardens. 
  1. Experiment with textures such as rough and smooth to add depth and interest to the space.
  1. When mixing vintage and contemporary styles be mindful of scale furniture and accessories.  Make sure that large pieces complement and other small items do not lose in the space.

A few Characteristics of Scandinavian interior design 


It is a design style which is characterized by simplicity functionality and the use of a Limited colour palette.

Characteristics of Scandinavian interior design 

A clean line, cluster spaces, and essentials are the main focal point of this feature. 

Minimalistic design can be applied and various aspects of interior design from furniture to decor light.


The functionality of Interior design was focused on making space walk well and Intended purpose whether that be a living room, bedroom, kitchen, or office. 

For example- In a living room function design includes a comfortable seating arrangement and adequate lighting, ample Storage for books magazines, and other accessories. 

Cozy Hygge

It is the next concept that refers feeling of comfort cosiness and warmth.

To create a cosy hygge atmosphere in your home consider incorporating elements such as lighting comfortable furniture warm Textiles and natural materials like wood and Stone full stops.

You can also bring a plant and flower to create a sense of nature in the space so that you can make the environment cosy and hygge. 

Furniture used in Scandinavian interior designs 

Furniture plays a critical role in interior design as it helps to define the overall performance and style of a room.

Furniture gives dual purpose in interior design first it provides functional expect to a room serving a seat storage surface per decorative elements.


The second piece of furniture has to create desired atheistic room and set of tone of an overall design.

It is important to consider factors such as size colour and style. 

For example, selecting furniture to the proportional size with the help of created balance and harmonious look.

While selecting furniture in a colour that complements the world’s scheme of a room will have to create a cohesive design. 

There are a few lists of furniture that are used in Scandinavian interior design:

  1. Wooden tables and chairs for dining, living, and kitchen areas.
  2.  Sleek minimalistic sofas, and armchairs for dining living and kitchen areas. 
  3. Natural fibre rugs and carpets.
  4. Pendant lights and Wall lamps. 

Elements of Scandinavian interior design

Scandinavian interior design is characterized by the following elements:

  1. Minimalism: Simple and clean lines, with a focus on functionality and minimal clutter.
  2. Neutral Colors: Use neutral colours like white, beige, grey and black, with pops of colour provided by accessories or art.
  3. Natural Materials: Incorporation of natural materials such as wood, stone, and wool, to create a warm and organic feel.
  4. Light: Use large windows and light colours to maximize natural light and create a bright and airy atmosphere.
  5. Hygge: Emphasis on comfort and cosiness, through the use of soft lighting, textured fabrics, and warm accessories.
  6. Sustainability: A focus on environmentally friendly and sustainable materials and practices.
  7. Simple Forms: Use of simple and geometric forms in furniture and decor, inspired by the Nordic landscape.
  8. Textured Fabrics: Incorporation of textured fabrics such as wool, linen, and cotton, to add warmth and texture to spaces.


If You want to know about Scandinavian interior design, you may go and Check the points which are mentioned in this article.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

What Scandinavian Style interior design focuses the most?

The Scandinavian design focuses on clean, simple lines, minimalism, and functionality without sacrificing beauty.

Difference between Scandinavian vs Nordic styles

Scandinavian design is more minimalist with functionality at its core, while Nordic design is more homely and influenced by traditional workmanship and crafts.

What are the 7 countries where Scandinavian interior design is used?

The Nordic Region consists of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland.

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